

2021-09-09 / 1 评论 / 428 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...


Listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
A. It ended up being a week of total happiness.
B. It ended up being a week of total excitement.
C. It ended up being a week of total unhappiness.
D. It ended up being a week of total drama.
1) C
M: Hey, Jill. How was your vacation last week?
W: Well, the weather just didn't cooperate. And it ended up being a week of total misery.
Q1: What does the woman describe her vacation as?
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A. A lecture about things you need to know finding success in business.
B. A lecture about the precursors to business success.
C. A lecture about the precursors to business.
D. A lecture about business success.
2) B
W: I attended a really interesting lecture yesterday, it was about the precursors to business success.
M: That does sound interesting. Did you learn much?
W: Absolutely. Virtually, everything the speaker said was helpful.
Q2: What are the two people discussing?
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A. She has not developed appropriately.
B. She needs to move to a better development.
C. She is developing at a normal rate.
D. She needs to develop better skills.
3) C
M: How did the pediatrician's appointment for Maggie go this morning?
W: Doctor Lions said Maggie has all the appropriate developmental skills for her age.
Q3: What did the doctor say about Maggie?
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A. The ballet saddened him with its theme of lost love.
B. The ballet aroused feelings of lost love in him.
C. The ballet entertained him.
D. The ballet made him fall in love.
4) B
W: What did you think of the ballet?
M: It's really evoked the emotions of lost love.
Q4: Which of the following is the closest to the man's meaning in the conversation?
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A. The ability to hear is unnecessary.
B. The ability to hear is essential.
C. The ability to see is essential.
D. The ability to see is unnecessary.
5) B
M: I knew a guy who said to me that he'd rather be blind than deaf. What do you think?
W: Really? For me, deafness would be completely unthinkable.
Q5: According to the woman, which of the following is true?
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Listen to a long conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
A. Because it was so short.
B. Because it had many ups and downs.
C. Because it was dangerous.
D. Because it was exciting and exhilarating.
A. Benevolent.
B. Sensitive.
C. Empathetic.
D. Sympathetic.
A. He was depressed all the time.
B. He was happy all the time.
C. He had no emotions.
D. He alternated emotions too abruptly.
6) B 7) C 8) D
M: Caroline, I'm so sorry to hear that you broke up with Patrick.
W: Yeah, I am sad but you know what, I am also a little relieved.
M: Really? Why is that?
W: Whenever Patrick and I were together, it was like an emotional roller-coaster.
M: Oh I know what you mean. I've been in plenty of relationships like that too.
W: I mean one day we'd be on cloud nine, and life couldn't get any better, then the very next day, he'd be so depressed and frustrated that he brought me down too.
M: Absolutely, emotions can be very contagious, especially when you are around someone all the time like that.
W: It was just so tiring, you wouldn't think it. But going from one emotional extreme to the other in so short a time can be exhausting and we do these reversals several times a week.
M: Mm, that's not good. I've heard that it can even be dangerous for your health.
W: I'm sure. So yeah I am actually relieved that Patrick and I are through. Now I can get off the roller-coaster and stay on level ground for a while.

Q6: Why did the woman compare her relationship to a roller-coaster?
Q7: Which of the following words best describes the man in this conversation?
Q8: What is the woman's main complaint about her ex-boyfriend?
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Listen to a short passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
A. A company that makes bicycles.
B. A company that operates gyms and swimming pools.
C. A company that makes energy medication.
D. A company that makes sneakers.
A. Doctors have the best solutions to every problem.
B. Fresh air and sunlight can help depressed people feel better.
C. Everyone needs to go to the gym to stay healthy.
D. Television has no influence on people's emotions.
A. Watching television.
B. Medicine.
C. Sitting outside.
D. Exercise.
9) C 10) B 11) D
Do you sometimes feel depressed for no particular reason? Are you often without energy or interest in what's happening around you? If so, you might not be getting enough exercise. Research has shown a direct connection between a healthy life style and a healthy mental outlook on life. Before you visit your doctor or start taking medicine, try something as simple as going outside for a walk, get some fresh air, get your blood moving and try a change in scenery. Staying indoors in a darkened room or constantly surrounded by the artificial light of the television has been proven to have negative effects. People who don't get enough exercise are often easily depressed, frustrated or saddened. They find it more difficult to cheer up and be happy for themselves and others. Don't let this happen to you. Go for a walk. Go to the gym. Sit outside and relax with natural sunlight and fresh air. You'll be happy if you do and happiness is where you want to be.

Q9: If this passage were an advertisement, which of the following would probably not be the advertiser?
Q10: With which of the following statements would the speaker of this passage most likely agree?
Q11: According to the passage, what is a good way to get your blood moving?
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Listen to a news report and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
A. Positive outlook.
B. Empathy.
C. Emotional self-awareness.
D. Emotional self-control.
A. 86 percent.
B. 18.4 percent.
C. 45 percent.
D. 9 percent.
A. Men should make efforts on improving emotional intelligence.
B. Women are much more likely to be emotional than men.
C. A new research on gender differences released its results.
D. A new research found that women have higher EQ than men.
12) C 13) D 14) D
Women score higher than men on nearly all emotional intelligence competencies, except emotional self-control, where no gender differences are observed, according to new research by the Hay Group division of global people and organizational advisory firm Korn Ferry.

Data from 55,000 professionals across 90 countries and all levels of management, collected between 2011 and 2015 by using the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory – developed by Richard E Boyatzis, Daniel Goleman and Hay Group – found that women more effectively employ the emotional and social competencies correlated with effective leadership and management than men. The greatest difference between the sexes can be seen in emotional self-awareness, where women are 86 per cent more likely than men to be seen as using the competency consistently, and 18.4 per cent demonstrate it compared to just 9.9 per cent of men. Also, women are 45 per cent more likely than men to be seen as demonstrating empathy consistently. The smallest margin of difference is seen in positive outlook – women are only nine per cent more likely to exhibit this consistently than men.

Q12: In which of the following emotional intelligence competencies do the two sexes have the greatest difference?
Q13: At what percentage are women more likely to demonstrate their positive outlook than men?
Q14: What does the report mainly talk about?
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